Let me start by saying I'm a 53 year old woman. I am a wife of 29 years, a mom of 4 adult kids that I raised along with 2 that I didn't. I'm daughter to 2 amazing parents, a sister to 2 biological brothers, along with 7 "non" bio brothers and sisters. Oh- and I'm about to be a grandma to the most brilliant, beautiful baby girl ever in the history of baby girls- my precious Fynley Rose. I am blessed with more "best friends" than most, and am always open to adding more. I love hard and forgive easily. I try my best to do what's right. I try not to judge people. When I feel like judging, I remind myself that "God loves that person just as much as he loves me!" I hope I show God's love in the way I live my life. I try to. I really really try. It usually comes fairly easily, but... we are perfectly imperfect.
Guess what? I have a tattoo, and it's not like I "made a mistake" when I was 20. I got my first tattoo 2 years ago after my nephew died. I love it. It reminds me of him every day. Guess what else? I want more! I have 3 piercings in each ear. I'm overweight. I love to cook, but I especially love to eat! Do I wish I had better will power? Well yes, of course, but there's that "imperfect" shit again! Then there's that... I swear a lot. Maybe it's a NY thing? IDK, I mean I'm a Floridian now, and have been for 22 years, but I still swear. A lot. One of my favorite past times is embarrassing my kids. I am completely inappropriate at times. I drink alcohol. I have a temper. I obsess over things. I'm a complete grammar natzi, to the point that even I think it's obnoxious. I've suffered from depression, and take medication to keep it at bay. Wow. I could keep going, but I'm starting to overthink my imperfections, so I'll end with this...
I am also a child of the King! That makes me a "princess!" There is NO SUCH THING as a perfect on this earth. God couldn't love us more if we were! That's the thing about being a child of the King- we may not be perfect, but we are PERFECTLY loved!!